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Defining what you are looking for in a Security Consultant is very important in achieving a successful outcome to an assignment. A security engineering consultant is not a cyber security consultant, nor does it cover investigations, or guard services.

A SECURITY ENGINEERING CONSULTANT is an experienced, independent, security professional who is well versed in the following main assignments related to Physical Security:

  • Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA)
  • Security Design Engineering
  • Bid Preparation and Documentation
  • Construction Administration
  • Security Training
  • Security Oversight
  • Security Commissioning
  • Security Audits
  • Red Flag Evaluation


Also known as a Security Vulnerability Assessment with defined methodologies used by the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Energy, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), ASIS International (American Society of Industrial Security) and others and a first step in various security legislation.

AN SVA establishes essential and critical information that all companies should be aware of. In simple terms, an SVA identifies the realistic threats that a company should be protecting itself against as well as identifying its critical assets (those assets in order of importance, and without which the company would face serious consequences in the event of an incident).


SECURITY DESIGN ENGINEERING based on sound security design criteria (the basis for why various security devices such as cameras and card readers, etc., are specifically located throughout a facility), professional security consultants can develop proven, state-of-the-art security systems and measures that permit a company to implement an adequate level of protection in keeping with accepted security standards and practice.

These designed systems may incorporate wireless technology, computer networks, biometrics, contactless access, integrated system technology, the latest camera technology, electronic access control, new gate access technology, appropriate Head End equipment, counter terrorism, mass communication systems, shot detection systems and others.

The deliverables from security design engineering include full drawings, technical specifications that cover system intent, system description, quality assurance, camera matrix, schedule of equipment, equipment cross match diagrams, product performance requirements, installation requirements, testing and inspection, operation and maintenance requirements and training/instruction, as well as warranty requirements.


BID PREPARATION AND DOCUMENTATION should provide procurement procedures that significantly reduce the risk of sensitive security data falling into the wrong hands. Wivenhoe Group include the following in bid documents:

  • Clear, Professional Drawings
  • Comprehensive Technical Specifications
  • Full Bid Form Requirements
  • Clear Instructions to Bidders
  • Succinct Supplementary Conditions

Drawings should be to scale if possible, in an acceptable format such as CAD, and should indicate location, type and quantity of all equipment involved in the system(s).

Wivenhoe technical specifications provide:

  • Intent of the System
  • Clear System Description
  • Schedule of Equipment
  • Camera Matrix for Video Surveillance Systems
  • Cross Match Diagrams where Appropriate
  • Quality Assurance
  • Product Performance Requirements
  • Installation Requirements
  • Testing and Inspection Detail
  • Training/Instruction Requirements
  • Maintenance & Warranty Requirements


CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION is a mixture of project management and construction administration whereby security consultants working with the client can ensure that respective security systems are installed successfully, on-time, and within budget, as well as meeting given specifications.
Thus, avoiding the many obstacles and traps that abound in the security industry. It has been proven in the security field many times that there is no substitute for experience.


SECURITY TRAINING can include any of the following:

  • Specific Security System & Equipment Training
  • Application Training
  • Security Awareness
  • Crisis Response
  • Security Staff Management
  • Design Criteria Development
  • Mail Room Security
  • CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)


SECURITY OVERSIGHT In security, it is wise to leave nothing to chance, and even where security systems may have already been installed, or measures implemented to cover specific problems or issues, a brief second opinion in the form of a security oversight is a good idea. The oversight study might cover a general topic or facility or a particular issue that management has some concerns about.

An oversight study will provide immediate analysis and commentary on the subject based on years of experience in dealing with a myriad of security issues in diverse industries and fields.


SECURITY COMMISSIONING In a similar manner to complex building systems where clients have a need to verify the installation and performance of their technology system prior to final acceptance, there is the same need when dealing with integrated security systems.

It is important to ensure that security systems operate as designed and intended, and are able to provide the level of protection that is required for a given facility or organization, etc. From experience, many security systems do not necessarily operate as intended, have serious “blind” spots, do not meet accepted industry design criteria, or fail to meet requirements in a host of other areas.

Security Commissioning will ensure that security systems and measures are as they should be, meet specifications, operate correctly, and that security staff have been adequately trained on the systems. Wivenhoe Group provide such a service which is also in keeping with the AABC Commissioning Guidelines.


SECURITY AUDITS Time does not stand still in any environment and this is particularly true in the security field. Security systems even when installed correctly and which meet proper design criteria, must remain effective to avoid incidents, serious consequences, and potential liability. This is even more true in today’s increasing mass casualty events.

Security audits are inexpensive assessments of how well a security system is performing in a changing environment. The recommendations arising from a security audit can prevent costly changes and upgrades to security systems at a later stage as well as taking away any possible “negligence” issue in the event of any incident.


RED FLAG EVALUATION This is a specialized area where a facility or other infrastructure housing harmful materials or such substances classified as weapons of mass destruction, or alternatively housing very sensitive data may have a need for a “live” test of the various security systems and measures in place to prevent such an occurrence.

Personnel that undertake these types of assessments are typically ex-special forces or other similar military unit and who have been trained to find and identify serious gaps in such security.