The key to success for any consulting group is its people. Wivenhoe Group is unique in that it has qualified, highly experienced, consultants with exceptional backgrounds that include counter-terrorism, military, law enforcement, nuclear scientific, medical, electrical and electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, and general security.
The Team of firms that Wivenhoe Group has worked with on many projects is shown below in Wivenhoe Group Network Organization.
Domestic Primary Network Chart

International Primary Network Chart

An important aspect to any company operating in the security industry is the degree of experience possessed by its individual and combined staff. With a total collective experience of more than 190 years between its principal staff members, Wivenhoe offers an exceptional capability to its customers and clients.
In order to optimize the various services required for assignments, Wivenhoe will select team members that provide the proven expertise and experience required to successfully complete such projects. The individual team members who are well known to each other, and to working as a team, represent different areas of expertise that complement the overall project objectives. They will be supported by the entire staff of Wivenhoe Organization.

Our Experience
The exceptional experience to be found within Wivenhoe Group is based on three elements, namely:
- The Wealth of Projects that Wivenhoe Group has participated in.
- The Wealth of Projects that Our Consultants have participated in.
- The Varied and Outstanding Backgrounds of each Consultant.
Wivenhoe Group has participated in a large number of projects ranging from Vulnerability and Risk Assessments to very specific Design Engineering and Security Management Services for many clients that have encompassed Federal, State and Municipal Government to Key U.S. Infrastructure, General Industrial and Commercial Sectors of Business.
A substantial list of projects that Wivenhoe Group has participated in can be found under “Our Projects”.

Our Team Approach to People and Projects:
Wivenhoe Group recognized many years ago that to be able to provide adequate professional security services, it would be necessary to align itself with other proven security professionals and non-security related professionals to cover the necessary expertise and skill sets that even then, were required in many instances to meet specific security assignments.
Over the years, and particularly since “9/11”, Wivenhoe Group has developed its Team Approach to security consulting, and is now aligned with many security professionals not to mention engineering, medical, and law enforcement professionals to provide a Total Solution for even the most complicated security requirements.
Indeed, as a small company it has provided such services to many clients over the past severalyears with support from other consultants that are not direct employees of Wivenhoe Group but are themselves small businesses, black minority businesses, Hispanic minority businesses, and women-owned businesses. The common thread that links such companies and individuals being their unquestioned expertise, proven capability, and unique experience in the Security Engineering and Vulnerability field.
In developing this Team approach and utilizing the skills and expertise found within such a diverse group of individuals, Wivenhoe Group has consistently met its assignment goals, on-time, within budget, and to the complete satisfaction of its clients.