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Too often, Facility Security is determined by price both in the perceived cost of a particular manufacturer’s system and equipment and where an RFP is involved, on the lowest bid. This does not necessarily result in good security.

FLAW #1 – There are reasons for one manufacturer’s price being less than another ranging from technology differences, reliability, ease of use, warranty length, fewer features, inability to meet design specifications and many more.

FLAW #2 – Accepting the lowest bidder price in a bid situation as opposed to accepting the price of the lowest qualified bidder. The difference can be significant in terms of system installation, system performance and can be critical if the security system does not perform as specified.

Are you looking for good security for your business?
Security should not be relegated as another necessary corporate expense acquired at a minimal cost. In the U.S. today with crime increasing at warp speed (see below), security should be a priority for every manager and a flawed security system when needed should be unacceptable without question.

7,395 persons killed by Gun Violence YTD.

13,877 persons injured by Gun Violence YTD.

208 Mass Shooting Casualties YTD.

11 Mass Murders YTD.

33 Law Enforcement Officers Killed YTD.

164 Officers Injured YTD.

(Source – Gun Violence Archive -06/10/2024)


Knowing what the facility issues are such as the credible threat, identifying critical assets, assessing an adequate protection level, access to up-to-date security technology, and ideally, utilizing guidance from security professionals.

The first step is enacting a facility security assessment in conjunction with experienced, reputable, and independent security professionals. They may be carrying out the assessment, or assisting the facility’s staff to do their own. 

The results will define what the facility is protecting itself and its employees against, identify critical assets that require priority security measures, estimate the cost of recommended security, and measure security cost in comparison to possible incidents that could cause a facility shutdown or fatal situation.

An assessment will also provide recommendations including generic systems and equipment, where such is required, and priority implementation. If appropriate, the security assessment will also comment on compliance with any security regulations that might apply to the facility such as OSHA (PER) Code 654 or specific industry security requirements.

The assessment will provide up-to-date information that will allow management to make informed decisions in terms of the type of security required, when to take action, whether to engage security consultants to design and put out to bid, or develop their own bid package to go out to local security integrators.

The benefits of having independent, professional security consultants put together a bid package are many, including:

  • Developing a security system that meets all facility requirements.


  • They are independent of any security manufacturers, or security integrators.
  • The system will be designed around equipment from different security manufacturers with all necessary features and performance capability, but allowing competitive bids.
  • The system will function correctly and per specifications with the security consultant firm standing behind their design. (Good security consultants carry professional and general liability insurance ensuring the client has a high level of protection)
  • The consultant team are unbiased in assessing the facility’s security requirements.
  • Consultants will work with facility management in phasing all systems and measures and ensuring full upward compatibility at a minimal cost.
  • The bid package will include training requirements, warranty and service requirements and incorporate equipment matrixes for all devices describing the device, the exact location with drawing references, and why the device is being used in that specific location.
  • Bottom line, the consultant team is working on behalf of the facility to ensure any new system meets specifications, is installed correctly, and is adequately tested before acceptance.
  • The consultant team will apply cost effective measures wherever possible without demeaning the integrity of the system.
  • A professional security assessment can also support applications for grant funding. Based on prior SVAs (Security Vulnerability Assessment) experience, it has been possible to obtain amounts ranging from $50,000 to $1.7 million.

SECURITY PROFESSIONALS could be the answer to your quest for Good Security at a fair price!

For more informative articles on SVAs, visit here No email or commitment is required.