ivenhoe Group and its associated security consultants have carried-out SVA (Security Vulnerability Assessments), Design Engineering, RFP Documentation, Construction Administration, including Testing and Training assignments for a varied and substantial number of property management companies involving different properties ranging from Hi-Rise Residential to Commercial and Industrial Campus facilities throughout the U.S.
Examples of such projects include the following:

Troubled Residential Hi-Rise – Trenton, NJ
The 15 story low income property, located in a high crime area had a substantial history of problems ranging from apartment hijacking to very serious assault including the assault of a security officer in broad daylight, not to mention drive-by shootings. Senior residents were being intimidated by young gang members and were afraid to use the stairwells when the elevators had problems.
After an extensive SVA (Security Vulnerability Assessment), the Wivenhoe Group was asked to develop an integrated security system that would address, in particular, access control into the building, including a biometric entry system and which would further provide extensive camera surveillance of all upper floors, a large section of the ground floor and the outside perimeter.
Funding was an issue, and thus the integrated system had to be within a tight budget, but also providing the necessary level of protection required for the building. The project was successfully accomplished and has provided exceptional results for the property management company. The system was also applauded by the NJ Housing Authority, who considered it one of the best systems that they had seen.
Residential Hi-Rise – Jersey City, NJ
Wivenhoe Group was initially called-in to complete a comprehensive SVA (Security Vulnerability Assessment) following a tragic homicide within the 30 story building.
The SVA shed considerable light on why non-residents were able to gain access into the building. The Board then asked Wivenhoe Group to develop a new comprehensive integrated security system which included the following:
- New Electronic Access Control System.
- New Perimeter Control System comprising automated vehicle access and egress gates, proximity card gate entry, new perimeter camera surveillance system, video detection for the parking lot area, and the utilization of IP Megapixel camera surveillance for the exterior perimeter area.
- Advanced Gate Communication System.
- State-of-the-art Security Command Center easily operated by a single security officer.
- Replacement of the older Interior Camera Surveillance System.
- Guard Service Analysis
The project has been completed utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and systems and has met or exceeded all requirements.
This was also a project that had to be approved by NJ Housing Authority and which again passed with flying colors.
NYC Park Avenue Hi-Rise
This was a substantial project where the multi-story structures occupied an entire city block on Park Avenue. The consultant team designed an integrated security system comprising proximity access control, extensive camera surveillance and security communication systems.
When completed, the system was able to be operated by a single security officer from a compact security booth. The system also included vehicle control via automated gate arm operators.
The system has since been expanded without substantial cost due to the security design being compatible with new security equipment and allowing the continued use of original equipment.
The principal consultant with the Wivenhoe Group also provided security training for staff and residents that included security awareness and specific system training.
NYC Park Avenue Multi-Story
Located not too far from the Met Life Building, the goal was to design an integrated security system that adequately secured the property without being too conspicuous. This was achieved with low profile camera surveillance and electronic access control to key sections of the property.
North Jersey Commercial Campus
Beating-out fierce competition, the Wivenhoe Group was asked to undertake a full scale SVA (Security Vulnerability Assessment) for a sizeable corporate campus in New Jersey. The SVA was completed in record time culminating in a comprehensive written report and presentation to the senior management of the organization. It was discovered that existing security had been misrepresented and in several areas was inoperable. Several major liability issues were uncovered involving both security and safety. The findings and recommendations addressed all issues and have since been dealt with based on a phased timetable of implementation developed by the consultant team.
Industrial Campus – Baltimore
Jointly working with a well-known engineering consulting organization, the Wivenhoe Group undertook an extensive SVA assessment of what had previously been a large chemical facility covering many acres. The previous owners had closed the plant, but there were many existing buildings and structures, quite a number of which were fairly young and in excellent condition.
There was also a serious contamination area where there could be no unauthorized access for legitimate health concerns that would have imposed a significant liability on the new owner of the property. The consultant team was able to introduce new security technology as part of a phased integrated security system which allowed the security guard organization tasked with securing the area to control a state-of-the-art camera surveillance system, incorporating video motion detection from a single control point utilizing wireless communication.
The net result was a cost/effective integrated security system that could form an eventual complete new system when a large section of the property was developed into new commercial office space.
Entertainment Complex – NYC
Occupying most of an entire block in the center of Manhattan, the consulting assignment required an initial risk assessment followed by the design and implementation of an electronic access control and point monitoring, which had to also integrate with an existing, but limited camera surveillance system.
The objective was reached within the previously agreed timetable and implementation was successfully attained with excellent results.
The system was transparent to users of the complex, but prevented unauthorized visitors entering the complex via a number of non-audience entry points.
Multi-Story Residential Campus – Plainfield, NJ
This low income residential complex comprised multiple buildings in a high crime area and was further complicated by being divided by a public road. An existing wireless camera surveillance system was inoperable with compromised and obsolete equipment. Wivenhoe diagnosed a number of the equipment issues and were able to arrange repairs that allowed at least 50% of the existing system to operate once more. The Wivenhoe Group have since put forward a new system design that will allow the owner of the property to retrieve a portion of the existing system and investment, but which also addresses the overall issues being experienced by the campus complex.
Residential Hi-Rise – Atlantic City
The consultant team completed a security assessment of this prominent condominium Hi-Rise complex, which indicated that there was an overall access problem to the complex involving the ground floor and perimeter, and also each apartment, where there had been unauthorized access to the apartments when owners were absent.
The solution was to design and assist in the successful implementation of an electronic access control and point monitoring system utilizing proximity access cards with integrated camera surveillance, and to devise a system that would protect access to each apartment.
The solution for the apartments was to adapt an electronic hotel locking system for the condominium property that allowed property management to monitor, when required, who had entered a particular apartment and at what date and time.
State Government Offices – Asbury Park, NJ
The Wivenhoe Group were selected to design and assist in the implementation of an integrated security system for a new multi-story office building with a separate parking garage located across a public road and down from the offices.
The integrated system comprised electronic access control and point monitoring, extensive camera surveillance, vehicle control via automated gate arms in the parking garage, and further had to meet NJ State requirements where the access control system and all cameras could be monitored from a central command center in Trenton, a significant distance from Asbury Park.
The project was successfully achieved within budget and in record time.